Oversight Board

The Geant4 Oversight Board is formed by representatives from the major funding Agencies and Institutions that support Geant4, and whose main goal is to provide the needed support to Geant4, as well as ensuring that the achievements and directions of the project are consistent with the priorities of these Agencies and Institutions.
The members of the Geant4 Oversight Board are nominated by the Agencies and Institutions that they represent.
Roughly twice per year, the Geant4 status is reported by the spokesperson to the Oversight Board.

Oversight Board members

The following people represent the collaborating laboratories and Institutes which provide resources to Geant4:

Institution Representative
CERN R. Hawkings
ESA P. Nieminen (Chair)
FNAL D. Elvira
INFN M. Paganoni
IN2P3 C. Morel
JLAB M. Asai
KEK T. Nakamura
LPI V. Grichine
STFC (formerly PPARC) and G4AI D. Costanzo

Public minutes

Public minutes of the Oversight Board meetings have been prepared until 2009. Since then, only internal minutes are shared between the participants of these meetings.

Minutes of the Joint Meetings of the Collaboration Board and Technical Steering Board