Documentation Workplan 2019

2019 Work Plan

The 2019 Work Plan is divided into four categories, with responsible members and approximate deadlines (end of calendar-year quarters) listed.

  1. Documentation Structure
  2. Documentation Content
  3. Web Site Content
  4. Videos

Last updated: 26 February 2019

Documentation Structure


Task Responsible Due

Periodic Release of Documents Alex Throughout 2019

General review of documentation (especially with respect to language and completeness) Alex 4Q

Explore cross-referencing between guides Ben, Alex 1Q

Check if other formats (e.g. epub, mobi) make sense at all in sphinx Ben, Alex 1Q


Documentation Content

Task Responsible Due

Automatic documentation generation of Physics Lists Daren, Alex, Vladimir 4Q

Continued Update of INCL++ documentation D. Mancusi 4Q

Strangeness inclusion in INCL++ J-C David 4Q

Maintenance of the geometry/persistency chapters in the manuals G. Cosmo 4Q

building/installing Doxygen documentation for the examples as part of main build process (nightlies), B. Morgan 4Q

Continued improvements to the documentation of hadronic physics A. Ribon 4Q

Basic and extended Examples Documentation Ivana 4Q

biasing documentation and FAQ M. Verderi 4Q

support documentation for EM physics V. Ivantchenko 4Q

Maintain and update documentation for hadronic models – low energy neutrons, G4ENDL, particle_hp, QMD Pedro Arce 4Q

Provide close review of release notes, installation guides and our overall face that we show to our less expert users with eye towards helping these users understand how to get up and running and stay up and running TBD 4Q

5-D Gammas Denis Barnard 4Q

Expand documentation on channelling physics process (“exotic physics”) Enrico Bagli 4Q

documentation and formatting, and debugging – Radioactive Decay and SuperHeavy Isotopes Luis Sarmiento (Pico) 4Q

multiple scattering, bremsstrahlung, pair production Mihaly Novak 4Q

review and update the optical boundary process documentation Daren Sawkey  

Web Site Content

Task Responsible Due

Docker documentation/demonstration Andrea Dotti 4Q

web presence: host the generated Doxygen on the website B. Morgan 4Q

vis documentation J. Allison 4Q


Task Responsible Due

Tutorial on how to make and post a video. Adding all our videos on geant4 website L. Garnier 4Q

Introduce central repository for video information and tutorial content - demonstrations, tutorials, publicity. Consider creating our own youtube, vimeo, whatever page. Laurent, Marc, Alex, Gunter 2Q