Understanding performance issues in Em showers and optical photon transport
General support to users
Via hyper news and others..
Will absorbe more than 50% of our availability.
Special mention to the LCG meetings:
- Atlas, still open: Hadronic EndCap Calorimeter ..
- General conclusions about Em physics.
- Second iteration: shower profiles.
Model approach
To allow several models of the same process. Mainly concerned :
Ionisation, Bremsstrahlung, MultipleScattering.
Default in Geant4 V6.0 —> waiting for feedback
Expected developments in standard electromagnetic physics
High Energy processes (above 10 TeV)
The discussion with the MEPhI group (Kokoulin, Bogdanov) has continued.
A priority list has been agreed for : - precise investigation of the current processes
- a program of development for the next two years.
To be done in 2004:
revision of the Bremsstrahlung and Gamma Conversion, and implementation of the LPM effect in Gamma Conversion.
options for Mu Nuclear interaction, under discussion with experts on hadronic physics.
an alternative model to the Multiple Scattering for high energy muons.
A specific implementation of Multiple Scattering for generic ions.
Completion of the PhotoElecticEffect at the level of Geant3.21: deexcitation and Auger electrons
Revision of the Compton Effect. Inclusion of ‘Doppler broadening’ ?
New implementation of the Synchrotron radiation (Helmut Burkhardt /Cern).
Revision of the Transition Radiation models.
Revision of the implementation of Photo Absortion Ionization process.
Optical photon: design a flexible and expendable scheme with which to specify the sampling of micro facet normals, beyond the two models now available.
new TestEm example(s) and PhysicsLists
TestEm11 devoted to ultra high energy muons.
Substantial rewrite and extension of novice example N06
Provide examples of PhysicsList by use-cases, rather than to multiply complete examples.
Physics reference manual: revision after ‘rewording’.
Plot of cross sections
Provide an equivalent of the command drmat in Geant3:
Still pending.
The store/retrieve PhysicsTables could be a starting point.
Specific Visualisation application ?