ELECTROMAGNETIC WORKING GROUP plan of activity for 2013 =======================================
(1) - June 2013 (2) - December 2013 (*) - will be done if manpower will be identified [LE] - in collaboration with the Low-energy EM working group [GE] - in collaboration with the Geometry working group
1) LHC experiments support
- EM shower shape - ATLAS and CMS (1/2)
- Energy deposition in tracking detectors - ALICE (1/2)
- Multiple and single scattering - LHCb (1/2)
2) Multi-threading for EM physics
- optimisation of converted code (1)
- addition of dedicated test for multi-threading (1)
- migration of EM examples to multi-threading (1/2)
- migration of testing suite to multi-threading (1/2)
3) Validation and verification of EM physics
- perform regular execution and regression analysis using existing testing suites (1/2)
- continue detailed comparison of Standard, Livermore and Penelope models [LE] (1/2)
- adding bremsstrahlung benchmark (1)
- provide extended test on EM biasing (1)
- adding bremsstrahlung transmission test versus EGS (1)
- adding test of combined hadron scattering (EM + Had) in thick layers (2* summer student)
- development of electron line-shape test in sampling calorimeter (1)
- improve validation of energy loss fluctuations (1)
- automation of backward scattering test (*)
- adding ILC (including CALICE) calorimeter tests (*)
4) Further development of the processes of multiple and single scattering:
- finalize multiple scattering move to AlongStep [GE] (1)
- finalize tuning of Urban model (1)
- addition of next order corrections to WentzelVI model (1)
- review and fix of Goudsmit-Saunderson model (2)
5) Further update of ionization processes:
- perform study on alternative fluctuation models (1/2)
- study on accuracy of ionisation models (1/2)
- refinment of effective ion charge approach (2)
- alternative ion ionisation models for moderate energies (2)
6) Bremsstrahlung and Compton models:
- improved parameterisation for positron cross section (2)
- updated Compton scattering model adding radiative corrections (*)
7) Developments on EM biasing:
- enable directional bremsstrahlung splitting (1)
8) EM infrastructure update:
- Maintenence of EM physics builders
- Opt1 - CMS
- Opt2 - LHCb
- Opt3 - space, medical applications
- Opt4 - the best combination of standard/low-energy
- range computation in G4EmCalculator (*)
- improved G4EmSaturation (*)
9) Improvements in high energy processes
- improved cross section for e+e- production by muons (1)
- improved cross section for photo-nuclear production by muons (2)
- migration of mu+mu- production to model design (2)
- improved angular generator for synchrotron radiation (2)
10) Optical photon physics
- Transmission/Reflection probabilities dependent on both wavelength and incident angle (1)
- Extension to the unified surface model to have both specular and diffuse components for the transmitted photons (2)
- Modeling of optical transport in a volume that has different optical treatments on different sides (2)