EM-2019 Milestones

                plan of activity for 2019

(1)  - June 2019
(2)  - December 2019
(*)  - will be done if manpower will be identified

1) Infrastructure and general support for EM physics:
   - perform regular execution and regression analysis using existing
     testing suites (1/2)
   - migration of testing suite from lxbatch to Condor (1)
   - introduction of detailed test of stepping for EM calorimeters triggered
     by ATLAS (1)
   - extension of G4DynamicParticle with logarithm of energy in order to
     reduce number of calls to logarithm (1)
   - evaluate on “global process” approach for gamma and electrons (1/2)
   - introduction of gamma linear polarisation option to be applied to any
     EM physics configuration (1/2)
   - addition of a new example with more realistic human phantoms for radiation
     protection and medical purposes (2)
   - extension of dark matter particle interactions (1/2)
   - extension of validation of EM biasing options (1/2)
   - addition of CMS HGCAL test-beam into testing suite (2) ()
   - study on effect of high energy muon scattering due to high energy
     radiative processes (1/2) (

2) Further development of the processes of multiple and single scattering:
   - further tuning and optimisation of options for the Goudsmit-Saunderson
     model for HEP applications (1)
   - new single scattering model for e+- based on ELSEPA (numerical
     Dirac-Fock PWA) (2)
   - review implementation of Mott corrections to WVI and SS models (1)
   - evaluate WVI performance with 2-nd order corrections enabled (2) ()
   - study on of the displacement beyond boundary algorithm (1/2) (

3) Further update of ionization processes:
   - review model for sampling fluctuations of e+-, look for the
     alternative model (1/2)
   - evaluate usage of ICRU90 stopping power data (1/2)
   - evaluate new ion ionisation models for moderate and high energies (1)
   - evaluate new ion energy fluctuations model (2)

4) Bremsstrahlung and gamma models:
   - introduce bremsstrahlung on atomic electrons at high and
     moderate energies with triplet production (2)
   - extension of the gamma conversion relativistic model down in energy
     to cover the full energy range (1)
   - extension of gamma conversion to muon pair model down in energy
     to cover the full energy range (1)
   - refinement of the 5D gamma conversion model and extend applicability
     range above 80 GeV (1/2)

5) Extended model of positron annihilation:
   - deployment of new model of the three gamma annihilation (1)
   - addition of tau pair production by positrons (2)
   - extend energy limit for positron annihilation to hadrons (1/2) (*)

6) Livermore, Penelope and related models

- new model for polarized pair production in nuclear field (2) (*)

- improvement of pair production in the electron field (2) (*) 

- update and management of Penelope models (2)

- continue testing and validation (2)


7) Monash U. models

- complete the recalculation of atomic electron momentum PDFs and Compton profiles for elements Z= 1 to Z= 100 (2)


8) Geant4-DNA models

- new and/or alternative cross section models [STD] (2) 

- update & new chemistry models (*)

- testing and validation (2)

- new related examples (2)


9) Atomic deexcitation

- extension of shell ionisation cross sections (2)


10) Validation

- Extention of G4MSBG validation (2)


11) Optical photon and X-ray physics:
   - improve Synchrotron radiation in quadrupole field (1/2)
   - validation of the transition radiation model for ATLAS (1/2)
   - extended and clean-up optical examples (1/2)