2022 Milestones

________plan of activity for 2022

(1) - June 2022 (2) - December 2022

1) Infrastructure and general support for EM physics

  • Perform regular execution and regression analysis using existing testing suites (1/2)
  • Further optimisation of code used by EM processes/models at initialisation (1)
  • Reorganize code for integral method to be applicable for high energy EM processes and hadronic processes (1)
  • Establish mechanism of usage of alternative models/algorithms for sampling of energy loss fluctuations for different particle types and G4Region (1)

2) R&D for EM physics

  • Evaluation of G4HepEm project and adopt it for Geant4 including specialized tracking (1/2)
  • Addition of missing components to G4HepEm (1/2)
  • Evaluation of G4HepEM for ATLAS and CMS (2)
  • Investigate further optimisation possibilities provided by the G4HepEm environment such as opportunistic multi-particle tracking (1/2)
  • Keep supporting the G4HepEm based AdePT GPU based EM shower simulation R&D (1/2)
  • Investigate possibilities that might accelerate the EM shower simulation in HEP including high granularity detectors and sampling calorimeters (1/2)
  • Implement optional Woodcock tracking of photons per G4Region (1)
  • DPM like MSC modelling and complete DPM like EM simulation per particle type and detector region (1/2)

3) Developments for HEP applications

  • Evaluate Linhard-Sorensen ion ionisation model (1)
  • Evaluate new ion energy fluctuations model (2)
  • Introduce EPICS2017 cross sections as an option for standard gamma models (1)
  • Developments and testing for polarized gamma transport (1/2)
  • Introduce bremsstrahlung on atomic electrons at high and moderate energies with triplet production (2)
  • Extend energy limit for positron annihilation to hadrons (2)
  • Implement muon pair production by e+- (2) (summer student project)

4) Updates of low-energy EM models

  • Introduce EPICS2017 electron ionisation model (1)
  • Using EPICS2017 cross section in G4LowEPComptonModel (2)
  • Development of the new advanced example for x-ray polarimetry (2)
  • Providing ionization cross-sections for 0.1 to 100 MeV for Li, C and O ions based on ECPSSR (2)
  • Deployment of new model of the three gamma annihilation (2)
  • Validation of ANSTO PIXE data (1/2)
  • Improve implementation of MicroElec models and extend list of materials (1/2)
  • Development of Pol02 extended example (1)

5) G4-Med developments

  • integration of DNA Physics Lists in some geant-val tests (1)
  • introduce extra tests to geant-val (radioactive decay, nuclear medicine, x-ray radiotherapy) (1/2)
  • add new radiobiology extended example (2)
  • validation for Human normal and malignant cell irradiations by ions (1/2)
  • Radiobiological Data Acquisition (1/2)

6) Optical photon and X-ray physics

  • Maitenence and optimisation of optical classes (1/2)
  • Continue integration of Opticks package (GPU based) (1/2)

7) DNA physics and chemistry developments

  • Improvement DNA physics model for ions (1/2)
  • Implementation in Geant4-DNA, of electron physics models in dexorybose and phosphate (2)
  • Implementation of the Relativistic Option 4 electron inelastic model (1/2)
  • Development of a discrete model for protons using dielectric response function up to 100 MeV (1/2)
  • Study of the effect of step size and cuts on radiation dose in small size volumes using Standard and DNA physics (1/2)
  • Incorporation of proton cross-sections in liquid water above 100 MeV for Geant4-DNA models (1)
  • Development N2 and C3H8 DNA cross sections (1)
  • Development on an alternative chemistry framework using IRT and Gillespie in a single simulation (2)

8) Tutorials

  • CERN tutorials Develop the complete material and repository for the new, 3-days beginner Geant4 tutorial given at CERN in May and advanced course in October
