Extended Examples
- TestEm0 (M. Maire)
how to print cross-sections and stopping power used in input by the standard EM package
- TestEm1 (M. Maire)
how to count processes, activate/inactivate them and survey the range of charged particles. How to define a maximum step size
- TestEm2 (M. Maire)
shower development in an homogeneous material : longitudinal and lateral profiles
- TestEm3 (M. Maire)
shower development in a sampling calorimeter : collect energy deposited, survey energy flow and print stopping power
- TestEm4 (M. Maire)
9 MeV point like photon source: plot spectrum of energy deposited in a single media
- TestEm5 (L. Urban)
how to study transmission, absorption and reflection of particles through a single, thin or thick, layer.
- TestEm6 (H. Burkhardt)
physics list for rare, high energy, electromagnetic processes: gamma conversion and e+ annihilation into pair of muons
- TestEm7 (M. Maire)
how to produce a Bragg curve in water phantom. How to compute dose in tallies
- TestEm8 (V. Grichine)
test of photo-absorption-ionisation model in thin absorbers, and transition radiation
- TestEm9 (V. Ivanchenko)
shower development in a crystal calorimeter; cut-per-region
- TestEm10 (V. Grichine)
XTR transition radiation model, investigation of ionisation in thin absorbers
- TestEm11 (M. Maire)
how to plot a depth dose profile in a rectangular box
- TestEm12 (M. Maire)
how to plot a depth dose profile in spherical geometry : point like source
- TestEm13 (M. Maire)
how to compute cross sections of EM processes from rate of transmission coefficient
- TestEm14 (M. Maire)
how to compute cross sections of EM processes from direct evaluation of the mean-free path. How to plot final state
- TestEm15 (M. Maire)
compute and plot final state of Multiple Scattering as an isolated process
- TestEm16 (H. Burkhardt)
simulation of synchrotron radiation
- TestEm17 (A. Bogdanov)
check the cross sections of high energy muon processes
- TestEm18 (M. Maire)
energy loss verification
Exotic physics
- monopole (V. Ivanchenko)
simulation of classical magnetic monopole transportation in a target
- GammaTherapy (V. Ivanchenko)
gamma radiation field formation in water phantom by electron beam hitting different targets
- FanoCavity (S. Elles)
radioactive dose deposition inside cavity from gamma beam (Fano theorem)
- FanoCavity2 (S. Elles)
radioactive dose deposition inside cavity from electron beam (Fano theorem)
- OpNovice (P. Gumplinger, D. Sawkey)
Novice example - optical photons in general
- LXe (P. Gumplinger, D. Sawkey)
optical photons in a liquid xenon scintillator
- Pol01 (A. Schaelicke)
example of QED processes including polarization