Generic Processes & Materials - Workplan 2023
Version 2.0
- Fast Simulation:
- Innovation / ML-based models:
- Changes to fast sim code: extend Par04 example to run fast simulation on GPUs
- Development of ML fast shower models for data generated with Par04 example
- Assessement of new model, replacement of existing one if satisfactory
- MetaHEP testing on LHC experiments
- Implementation for FCC applied to LHC experiments
- Build a general validation pipeline based on quantitative metrics for evaluating generated showers
- Revision / classical models:
- Implementation and validation of GFlash code with general fast sim tools
- Continuation of revision of Gflash models
- Inclusion of detailed vs fast simulation comparison/validation tests into geant-val
- Innovation / ML-based models:
- Reverse Monte-Carlo:
- Conclude support for MT processing
- Support for parallel geometries
- Investigation of discrepancies for thick shield cases
- Maintenance
- Assess porting validations to geant-val
- Generic biasing:
- Inclusion of analog vs biased simulation comparison/validation tests into geant-val
- prototyping DXTRAN
- Charged particle occurrence biaising
- Biasing for AtRest case
- Maintaining generic biasing with parallel world
- Importance biasing:
- Maintenance of importance biasing and extension to multiple particle type biasing
- Materials:
- Maintenance