Generic Processes & Materials - Workplan 2024
Version 1.0
- Fast simulation:
- Revision / classical models:
- Implementation and validation of GFlash code with general fast sim tools
- Continuation of revision of Gflash models
- Inclusion of detailed vs fast simulation comparison/validation tests into geant-val
- Extending Par04 example
- Revision / classical models:
- Generic biasing:
- Inclusion of analog vs biased simulation comparison/validation tests into geant-val
- prototyping DXTRAN
- Charged particle occurrence biaising
- Biasing for AtRest case
- Geometry-based biasing:
- Bug fixes to geometrical importance biasing.
- Extension to multiple particles biased at the same time.
- Merging and deprecation of the extended examples with generic biasing
- Parallel world scoring
- Maintaining parallel world scoring (including G4ParallelWorldProcess and related classes)
- Reverse MC
- (Funding obtained, program to be announced)
- Maintenance of material classes