Work Plan for 2023
Novice & Extended Examples Working Group
Work Plan for 2023
Version 1.0
New examples:
- Biasing: DXTRAN (MCNP-like option), occurrence interaction of charged particles
- Parameterisation: gflash example for sampling calorimeter (all existing examples show usage in homogeneous media)
- RunAndEvent: example for sub-event parallelism
- Medical/dna examples:
- microdosimetry2: calculation of microdosimetry spectra in a cylindrical domain at the specific water depth imitating silicon detector (in the existing example there is randomly placed spherical volume)
- example for ultra-high dose rate
Existing examples improvements:
- Biasing category: Resolve the overlap in biasing B02/B03 and GB03 examples which implement the same use case.
- Errorpropagation: Porting errProp (Geant4e) to MT.
- Medical: Extend the DICOM reader with the RT Dose format.
- Parameterisation: Improvements of Par04 example
- Medical/dna:
- icsd: include new cross-sections for gas materials (propane) in the already existing icsd example
- scavenger: improve the example so that the user can choose between the IRT or SBS method
- dnadamage1: DNA damage in plasmids with IRT
- molecularDNA: validation and development with protons and He4 ions
- dna chemistry: maintenance and improving chem* examples
Common tasks:
checks on selected extended examples categories:- analysis, biasing, parameterisation, physicslists
- Macros and tests review in new examples:
- Continue to make sure that provided macros cover all commands implemented in example and the cdash test covers all important example use cases
- Coding guidelines:
- Review the status and open a GitLab issue with the violations before the next collaboration meeting
- Existing examples maintenance