Maintain physics contructors and physics lists, including
support (~All)
Develop and maintain physics list level test (test23) and
monitor model performance (Julia)
Physics List Validation Using Beam Simulation (Kihyeon,
Validation tools
Collecting and evaluate experimental datasets (Hans, Julia,
Krzysztof, Robert, with input from others)
Support for changing of model parameters (Hans, Julia,
Krzysztof, Robert)
Release, candidate and reference tag testing for physics performance
on Grid (Alberto, Dmitri, Witold)
maintenance & developments for geant-val database and web
interface (Dmitri)
Development Items
Physics Lists
Define MT cleanup strategy for
builders and physics processes in MT mode (missing MP)
Recomendation / Documentation of physics lists for specific use
cases ( ~ All)
Documentation of physics lists examples ( Alex, in collab. with
documenation wg.)
complete automated physics list documentation and integrate in
web documenation (Dennis, Alex, Gunter)
Physics lists factories
Evaulate the merging existing factory G4GenericPhysicsList
and new G4alt::G4PhysListFactory (Robert H.)
Complete standalone PLFactory tests in test38 - (Robert H.)
Using test23, explore various compositions of physics lists
and/or monitor performance of existing production or
experimental physics lists, with focus to intersity frontier
experiments, including beamline simulation projects (e.g.
neutrino flux or Mu2e beamline) (Julia)
production of hadron from the first hadronic inelastic
analysis of secondary interactions (e.g. in the primary
target) and benchmarking vs relevant thick target data once
such data are explored and added
Evaluate possibility to eliminate template mechanism in physics
lists, implement if possible. (Gunter)
produce graphs showing overlap of
models (currently done by hand), very useful as a simple graph
for new users (missing MP)
Create set-up to run regression testing at process level
(missing MPI)
Validation tools
DoSSiER Database and web application (Hans with feedback from
allow for data exchange between databases at FNAL and CERN
(Hans, Dmitri, Andrea)
enable SSO authentication ( Hans & Witold)
upload monthly grid results to DoSSiER (Dmitri, Witold)
extend set of experimental data used in validation (all…)
Complete automated upload of results to DoSSiER (Hans,
develop and maintain Artg4tk framework to study experimental
observables (Hans)
Create a testing system to complete grid validation with
non-calorimetric system(Andrea)