Workplan 2013
Work Plan for 2013
Ongoing activities
- Oversee testing shifts (Gunter, ?)
- Release testing using valgrind (Gabriele)
- Release, candidate and reference tag testing for physics performance on Grid (Alberto, George, Witold)
- Regular profiling benchmarking of G4 development and public releases ( Soon, Krzysztof)
- Improve and enhance “testing shifts”
Improve documentation on tools and process in use(Gunter, shifters)
- Enhance integration testing
- Evaluate how to integrate memory checks, e.g. using valgrind runs, into integration testing (Gunter)
- Study possibility to generate trace-back in case of crash of a test (Gunter)
Add setups testing for memory errors, energy conservation checks enabled (Gunter)
- Add testing of multithreaded G4
- Create one or more tests that check whether new developments are MT compatible. Based on “tracer” tool from Xin(Andrea + …)
- Create a test that checks if new static/global variables area added. Based on “modified GCC parser” from Xin(Andrea + …)
- Create a setup to test Geant4 in multithreaded mode.(Gunter + …)
Incorporate G4MT in Regular profiling benchmarking of G4 development and public releases (Soon, Krzysztof)
In collaboration with US Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR) institutions, conduct studies to measure and improve Geant4 computing performance, including multithreaded applications (Daniel,Soon,Krzysztof,Philippe).
- Improve automation of CPU performance measurements based on benchmarks suites (Soon, Mark)
- perform regular CPU and memory performance monitoring and profiling for new releases of Geant4 or Geant4MT (single threaded mode)
- study new performance tools and libraries for multithreaded Geant4 applications
look for more opportunities for geant4 performance analysis and tuning
Improvement and generalization of the testing for physics performance on Grid (George)
- Encourage the collaboration to provide more tests and more rigorous tests, e.g. tests that systematically check conservation laws (All)
cvs version info: $Id: 2013.shtml,v 1.5 2014/01/20 16:31:01 gunter Exp $