Q/A monitoring with Valgrind and Coverity (Gabriele)
Run Geant4 validation tests for Geant-val (Dmitri)
Hadronic shower tests with simplified calorimeters (Alberto,Dmitri)
Reproducibility tests (Alberto)
Geant4 version test, physics validation, etc., by comparing the modeling results
from experiments conducted by our institute (Eunju)
Performance profiling and benchmarking
Regular profiling/benchmarking of Geant4 development and public
releases, maintenance and evolution of the profiling
infrastructure in response to the changing computing environment
(Julia, Soon, Krzysztof)
Adding of the profiling of new applications as needed and
possible (Julia, Soon)
Consulting on the use of performance tools and interpretation of
the results as well as evaluating the performance gain of
various code improvements/ideas (Canal)
Research and develop on profiling using GPU machine (Kiheyon, Kyungho)
Testing Geant4 applications using KISTI-5 and KISTI-6 supercomputer (Kiheyon, Kyungho)
Continue to encourage the collaboration to provide more tests and
more rigorous tests (All)