Geant4 10.5 - patch-01 Release Notes ------------------------------------ 17 April 2019 List of fixes included in this public patch since the public release 10.5: o Configuration: ------------- + CMake: o Added configuration GEANT4_USE_SMARTSTACK to enable use of smart-stack algorithm for default stack in G4TrackStack. o Analysis: -------- + Fixed few typos in printouts. o Digits_Hits: ----------- + Define unit categories in messengers for UI commands that take units. + G4SDManager, G4VSDFilter: cleanly delete all the G4VSDFilter objects at the end of program. + Fixed return type of Boolean operators. + Fixed shadowing compilation warning in G4ScoringBox and G4ScoringCylinder. + Fixed few typos in printouts. o Event: ----- + G4PrimaryTransformer: allowing absolute zero proper decay time. + G4HEPEvtInterface: clean up G4Exception severities when end-of-file is detected. + Fixed return type of Boolean operators. + Fixed typos in printouts in G4GeneralParticleSourceMessenger. o G3toG4: ------ + Fixed return type of Boolean operators. + Fixed shadowing compilation warning in G3toG4MakeSolid. o Geometry: -------- + Fixed return type of Boolean operators. + magneticfield o Corrected transformation to local system in G4QuadrupoleMagField. o Corrected 'RegularStepperName' in G4ChordFinder to refer to the actual default stepper G4DormandPrince745 rather than G4NystromRK4. + management: o Use reverse_iterator in G4SolidStore::DeRegister() in order to speedup partial deregistration on setups with many solids instances. o G4Region: added possibility to disable search in the tree in AddRootLogicalVolume() for speeding up process in complex flat geometries. o G4LogicalVolume: in AddDaughter() avoid propagating pointer to field-manager if this is null. Addressing problem report #2145. + navigation: o Protected report for looping particles under verbosity flag in G4PropagatorInField::ComputeStep(). o Fixed few typos in printouts in G4NavigationLogger. + solids/specific: o Disabled precise computation of extent and use simple bounding-box in CalculateExtent() for G4Tet and G4TessellatedSolid, to speed up intialisation in setups with relatively complex meshes. Apply bounding-box calculation for extent also for the corresponding VecGeom wrappers. o Revised algorithms and improved robustness in G4EllipticalTube. o Accurate calculation of radical in G4IntersectingCone. Addressing problem report #2111. + volumes: o Correction in G4AssemblyVolume destructor to avoid deletion of internal physical volumes, as cleanup is taken care by G4PhysicalVolumeStore. Addressing problem report #2140. o Global: ------ + Enable FPE detection on MacOS with clang. Addressing problem report #2147. + Fixed return type of Boolean operators. + Updated date and version for 10.5.p01. o Graphics Representations: ------------------------ + Fixed return type of Boolean operators in G4TypeKey. o Intercoms: --------- + G4UIcommand: fixed misbehavior in RangeCheck() method, when string-type parameter comes prior to numeric-type parameters in commands. + Added G4UIparameter::SetDefaultUnit() method to simplify the definition of a unit parameter. + Fixed return type of Boolean operators. + Fixed few typos in printouts. o Materials --------- + G4NistMaterialBuilder: fixed atomic number value in simple material printout. Fixed build of gas materials. Addressing problem reports #2133 and #2134. + G4NistManager: added more detailed comments to public methods. + Fixed return type of Boolean operators. o Parameterisations - gflash -------------------------- + Fixed return type of Boolean operators in G4VGFlashSensitiveDetector. o Particles --------- + G4PrimaryParticle: allowing absolute zero proper decay time. + Fixed return type of Boolean operators. + Fixed typo in printout in G4NuclideTableMessenger. o Persistency ----------- + ascii: o Fixed shadowing compilation warnings. + gdml: o Fix in G4GDMLReadStructure::PhysvolRead() to allow correct import of recursive assembly structures. Addressing problem report #2141. o Added protection to G4GDMLParser for dumping geometry only through the master thread. Added extra protection also in reading. Addressing problem report #2156. o Fixed export of optical surface properties. Addressing problem reports #2142 and 2143. o Physics Lists ------------- + constructors/electromagnetic: o G4OpticalPhysics, G4OpticalPhysicsMessenger: put all UI commands into a messenger class; addressing problem report #2085; deprecated commands with /default/ in command string. o G4EmModelActivator: addressing problem report #2106. Fixed compilation warning on clang. o G4EmLivermorePhysics, G4EmPenelopePhysics: set multiple-scattering configuration the same as in Opt4: RangeFactor=0.08, Skin=3, UserSafetyPlus on. o G4EmStandardPhysicsWVI: use G4eplusTo2GammaOKVIModel with 3-gamma annihilation for e+. o G4EmStandardPhysics_option4: changed RangeFactor to 0.08 to improve results from fanoCavity test. + constructors/hadron_elastic: o G4HadronElasticPhysics: for deuteron, triton and alpha, use Glauber-Gribov elastic cross-sections (instead of Gheisha ones, which returns zero). + lists: o Shielding, QGSP_BIC_HP, QGSP_BIC_AllHP: set cut for proton to zero. Addressing problem report #2150. o Minor code clean-up. o Processes - Electromagnetic: --------------------------- + adjoint: o Fixed typos in printouts and comments. + high energy: o G4mplIonisation, G4mplIonisationWithDeltaModel: added low limit for delta-electron production threshold. Addressing problem report #2126. o G4GammaConversionToMuons: fixed low-energy part of the model by adding intermediate limit of 5*MuMass, below which an approximation of the cross-section similar to the Bethe-Heitler model is used; fixed bug in energy sampling for low-energy. + low energy: o Fixed 'dsigma' calculation in G4PhotoElectricAngularGeneratorPolarized. Addressing problem report #2089. o Fixed return type of Boolean operators. + muons: o G4MuMultipleSacttering: reduced length of printout. Addressing problem report #2105. + standard: o G4IonCoulombScatteringModel, G4eCoulombScatteringModel, G4eSingleCoulombScatteringModel, G4hCoulombScatteringModel: fixed precision loss for scattering with very small kinetic energy. Addressing problem report #2152. o G4eMultipleSacttering, G4hMultipleScattering: reduced length of printouts. Addressing problem report #2105. o G4eplusTo2GammaOKVIModel: fixed crash at initialisation. o G4ModifiedTsai, G4SauterGavrilaAngularDistribution: reduced length of names for these generators. Addressing problem report #2105. o Code clean-up in G4BetheBlochModel. + utils: o G4EmBiasingManager, G4VEmProcess, G4VEnergyLossProcess: fixed weights for biasing. Should be like version 10.4 now for range cut, splitting, roulette. o G4EmBiasingManager: fixed incorrect weights with brem splitting introduced in release 10.5. Addressing problem report #2125. o G4VEnergyLossProcess, G4VEmProcess, G4VMultipleScattering, G4EmModelManager: make info printout at initialisation more compact. Addressing problem report #2105. o G4VEmProcess, G4VEnergyLossProcess: make printout information more compact. o G4EmParametersMessenger: defining unit categories for UI commands that take units. Fixed typos in printouts + xrays: o G4Cerenkov: increase protection against infinite loops. o Processes - Generic: ------------------- + biasing: o Fixed typos in printouts and comments. + cuts: o Fixed return type of Boolean operators. o Fixed typos in printouts in G4PhysicsTableHelper and G4ProductionCutsTable. + decay: o G4Decay, G4UnknownDecay: allowing absolute zero proper decay time. + solidstate/channeling: o Fixed printouts and comments. o Processes - Hadronic: -------------------- + cross_sections: o G4ChipsNeutronElasticXS: fixed compilation warnings on clang. + models/de_excitation: o G4PhotonEvaporation: for nuclear levels without decay modes defined perform decay not to the ground state but to the nearest level. Addressing problem report #2123. o G4LevelReader: fixed typo. Addressing problem report #2124. o G4LevelManager, G4NucLevel: fixed debug and warning printouts. + models/fission: o G4SmpIsoDir: removed use of G4Pow for squaring, sometimes causing crash. + models/inclxx: o G4INCLHFB: fixed (weak and strong) event non-reproducibility by making the arrays 'radiusP, radiusN, diffusenessP, diffusenessN' thread-local. o Fixed return type of Boolean operators. + models/particle_hp: o Fix to make sure production cross-section is not ignored when sampling discrete gamma emission. Addressing problem report #1824. o G4ParticleHPKallbachMannSyst::Kallbach: replaced G4Exp with std::exp in order to avoid underflow/overflow crashes observed with the physics list QGSP_BIC_AllHP. + models/parton_string/diffraction: o G4FTFModel: fixed a memory leak in G4FTFModel::GetStrings(). Addressing problem report #2138. o Corrected FTF_NUCDESTR_P1_ADEP_TGT parameter that was accidentally set as "fixed". Minor cleanups. o Fixed return type of Boolean operators. + models/parton_string/qgsm: o G4QGSParticipants: bug-fix in computation of the transverse mass in DeterminePartonMomenta() method. o Fixed return type of Boolean operators. o Processes - Management: ---------------------- o Fixed typos in printouts in G4ProcessTableMessenger, G4ProcessManager and G4VRest*Process. o Fixed return type of Boolean operators. o Readout: ------- o Fixed return type of Boolean operators. o Run: --- o Fix in G4MultiRunAction to cope with more than one user run action classes. o defining unit categories for UI commands that take units. o Fixed return type of Boolean operators. o Fixed typos in printouts. o Tracking: -------- o Fixed return type of Boolean operators. o Fixed typos in printouts and comments. o Visualization: ------------- o Fix to pick up default number of line-segments-per-circle from G4Polyhedron in G4ViewParameters. o Examples: -------- + Fixed return type of Boolean operators. + advanced/ChargeExchangeMC o Fixed compilation warnings for unused data when no analysis set. o Fixed regular expression error in schema validation for lht.gdml. + advanced/doiPET o Fixed compilation warnings on clang for unused data members in doiPETDetectorConstruction and doiPETEventAction classes. + basic/B4 o Corrected name of include file: csv.hh. + extended/electromagnetic/TestEm8 o DetectorConstruction: added alternative materials in order to test all methods to construct new material with G4NistMaterialBuilder. Addressing problem reports #2133 and #2134. + extended/exoticphysics/monopole o Avoid instantiation of the vis-manager in the main() in the batch mode; set default number of threads to 1. o Run, RunAction: extended histograms and printouts to restricted dEdx and delta-electron cross-section (addressing problem report #2126). o G4MonopolePhysics: minor code clean-up. + extended/hadronic/Hadr02 o Fixed bug in the energe range of the transition between FTFP and BERT. + extended/medical/dna/chem1-5 o Fixed PhysicsList. + extended/medical/dna/dnaphysics o Updated README. + extended/persistency/gdml/G01 o Migrated example to multi-threading, to test MT in reading/writing. + extended/persistency/P03 o Fixed compilation warnings on unused local iterators. + extended/runAndEvent/RE05 o Reduced the number of events in to make it smaller than 2 MB. Number of events executed by the macro is also reduced accordingly. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technical Notes --------------- o This patch should be applied on top of release 10.5. o Technical notes distributed for release 10.5 are also applicable and valid for this patch. The code and rebuilt binary libraries for release 10.5.p01 are available through our "Download" Web page. Please refer to the Geant4 User Documentation for further information about using Geant4.