Minutes of the Steering Board Meeting, 11 July 2006
K. Amako, J. Apostolakis, M. Asai, G. Cosmo, G. Folger, V. Ivantchenko, J. Perl, M.G. Pia, S. Sadilov, T. Sasaki, D.H. Wright
Minutes of previous meeting
To be prepared soon.
Action Items
- 32.6: John will appoint someone to create a list of Geant4 journal
- 32.7: Creating a draft of the scientific goals of the collaboration: open
- 33.2: Category coordinators to include a publication plan in working group plans: open
- 34.2: Provide release coordinator with acknowledgements and information about data libraries used by Geant4: done, closed
- 34.7: Provide portal to physics lists recommendations: open
- 34.8: open
- 35.1: establish task force for investigating data issue: open
- 35.6: Adding a physics list chapter in Users Guides: open
- 35.7: closed
- 37.3: write a letter to providers of data libraries asking what form of acknowledgement should be given: open
- 37.4: request to H-P. Wellisch to remove geant4.com web page: sent, but no response so far - close item
- 38.1: Collect volunteers to edit paper on physics configurations: open
- 38.2: open
- 38.3: open
- 38.6: closed
- 38.7: Distribute a set of guidelines for those who wish to add to contribute to the new Geant4 web pages: will be done in one or two days - item closed
- 39.1: open
- 39.2: open
- 39.3: Dennis will distribute license text for NJOY program: item closed
Other Meetings
Oversight Board: minutes of the most recent meeting are now available
- New chair of board: Petteri Nieminnen nominated, nominations still open
- Next Geant4 review to occur in earlu 2007: topics are physics
performance, usability
- Steering board should give feedback for dates - need a mandate from Oversight Board
- New license endorsed by O.B.
Collaboartion Meeting and Workshop
- J. Perl, M. Verderi and A. Heikinnen nominated for program committee. This committe met and posted minutes in Steering Board agenda
- Two options for users sessions (one day):
- invited local speakers only
- open, expanded, user session - this one is preferred
- One day on validation verification
- Possible themes for meeting:
- validation/verification
- computing performance
- software quality
- Propose the above structure to local organizers, then announce the date of the meeting. Deadline: July 20th
Geant4 Organization
Topics discussed so far at organizational meetings:
- Need to promote more intra-collaboration communication
- Currently the annual workshop is the best means of communication - is one per year enough?
- Are there concrete goals which should be part of the coming and future workshops?
- The role of workshops:
- encourage more information flow, such as work being done in various groups
- encourage new participants
- identify key work areas
- push forward in these areas by getting people together
- give exposure to newer/younger members
- Validation in different fields should be made known
- What information should be communicated?
- scientific activity
- plans
- results
- long term or strategic goals of collaboration
- How to work with outside users and projects
- Cross-functional teams have been suggested for such things as documentation, validation, or temporary tasks that may arise. How would these work?
- Steering Board
- Need timely, open sessions of steering board
- Invite non-board members to attend as cases arise
- Minutes should be posted in one week or less
- voluntary open posting of text version of SB agenda to be replaced by open posting of SB minutes
- improved audio is required for virtual meetings
Internal Organization
- Need for transparency
- Need agreed upon, understood goals
- Detailed discussion of this topic set aside for later
Credit for Developers
Internal credit
- visibility within collaboration
- an understanding of what is contributed by members
- credit should be awarded or acknowledged for service work which does
not have high visibilty (plumbing). This work could include:
- system testing, documentation, the work done on cuts per region, etc.
- acknowledgement in published papers is one way to recognize such work
- raising the profile of the job would also help
- need someone to monitor service contributions
External credit
- presentations at international conferences
- How to decide who delivers Geant4-wide talks at conferences?
- It was agreed that a group of experienced people be delegated to apportion talks according to circumstances, the number of talks the proposed speaker has given, and speakers’ experience.
- presentations at virtual conferences not enough to encourage younger members to participate
- publication of papers
- need to have publication management/promotion/writing support team to push papers through the publication process, insure planning and quality of papers, and target the appropriate journals
- Need to encourage or require publications
- check and compare to publication rules of large experiment collaborations
- What defines a Geant4 paper?
- The word Geant4 is in the title or a key part of the abstract, and the paper is written by a collaborator
- Geant4 is a major part of the paper
- it was agreed to form a publication and writing support team with a leader to have a steering board seat. This does not at this time include referreeing. Ask for volunteers based on their publication experience.
- The license has been adopted. All but a few of the 24 copyright holders have responded. Many institutions have responded (all positive).
- The failure to comply clause as currently written could be abused - re-write it so that license is not voided if there is non-compliance
- All future contributions to Geant4 will be under the new license
- After talking with CERN lawyer, the following points were made:
- There should be signed agreements for outside contributors
- On the download page there should be a “click to agree” button that must be hit before Geant4 code can be downloaded
- Geant4 could be either a work in collaboration or in joint ownership - it was decided that work in collaboration was preferred
- The elastic bug should be announced on HyperNews. A tar file of fixes should be provided until a patch comes out.
- A bug in QGSC physics list was discovered - meet to decide what to do about it.