Becoming new Geant4 member
The Geant4 Collaboration welcomes new members. The formal acceptance of new membership is made by the Geant4 Steering Board under the process explained in this page.
The Steering Board is the body driving the Collaboration. It is composed of the working groups (WG) representatives, plus spokesperson and deputy spokesperson. Each WG is in charge of one category of software development (electromagnetic, hadronic,…) or of support or service (testing and Q&A, documentation,…) to the Collaboration.
If you wish to become a new Geant4 member, you will have to join one (or several) WG(s), proposing new developments or support to existing functionalities.
The application process is made of two steps:
- You contact and propose your desired contribution(s) to the coordinator of the WG most suitable to your planned activity.
- The coordinator may iterate with you for further explanation if needed
- The coordinator proposes your membership to the Steering Board, which has a formal two weeks period to raise any potential issue.
- If no objections are risen, your membership is approved, and the coordinator helps you then with the practical steps to get on stage.
Becoming a Geant4 member allows you to provide sizable developments. This makes you author of general papers and allows you to present work in conferences “On behalf of the Geant4 Collaboration” or “On behalf of the XXX WG of the Geant4 Collaboration”. This also comes with your agreement to follow the Geant4 policies, assumes that you will provide support of your development for an adequate duration, and that you contribute to bugs fixes and users’ support.
Please note that the Geant4 Collaboration itself does not hire anyone: it does not have funding for that. Instead, this is up to your funding agency to provide you the needed support for development of topics that are of interest to it, or up to you if you contribute as individual. The funding agencies are represented in the Geant4 Oversight Board which ensures that the needed level is provided and verifies that the ongoing activities are in line with their needs.